Performance Summary
Overall WN8


Recent WN8 Change


Recent WN8


Progression to next WN8 rank
Statistics Summary
Total Δ %
Battles 4.733 - -
Victories 2.516 - 53.16%
Draws 100 - 2,11%
Defeats 2.117 - 44.73%
Survived 1.689 - 35.69%
Deaths 3.044 - 64.31%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 5.780 - 1,22
Damage Dealt 4.338.985 - 916,75
Tanks Spotted 5.783 - 1,22
Capture Points 6.049 - 1,28
Dropped Capture Points 5.880 - 1,24
Experience 2.755.800 - 582,25
Total Δ %
Battles 0 - -
Victories 0 - 0,00%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 0 - 0,00%
Survived 0 - 0,00%
Deaths 0 - 0,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 0 - 0,00
Damage Dealt 0 - 0,00
Tanks Spotted 0 - 0,00
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 0 - 0,00
Total Δ %
Battles 0 - -
Victories 0 - 0,00%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 0 - 0,00%
Survived 0 - 0,00%
Deaths 0 - 0,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 0 - 0,00
Damage Dealt 0 - 0,00
Tanks Spotted 0 - 0,00
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 0 - 0,00
WN8 Progression
Win Rate Progression
Battles by Class
Battles by Tier
Mastery Badges
Total Tanks Played 62
Mastery 0  (0,00%)
1st Class 5  (8,06%)
2nd Class 4  (6,45%)
3rd Class 8  (12,90%)
No Mastery 45  (72,58%)
Tanks Stats Summary by Class
Battles WN8 WR
HT 1681 2007,88 53,36%
MT 746 1558,85 53,75%
LT 1101 1340,07 53,04%
TD 251 1114,60 52,59%
SPG 954 2522,56 52,62%
Top Tanks
1. S-51
Frags: 309
Battles: 228
Ø Frags: 1.36
Victories: 54.82%
2. KV-1
Frags: 529
Battles: 331
Ø Frags: 1.60
Victories: 61.03%
3. G.W. Tiger
Frags: 235
Battles: 181
Ø Frags: 1.30
Victories: 55.80%
4. VK 28.01
Frags: 147
Battles: 218
Ø Frags: 0.67
Victories: 56.42%
5. MT-25
Frags: 164
Battles: 198
Ø Frags: 0.83
Victories: 52.53%
6. T-10
Frags: 194
Battles: 129
Ø Frags: 1.50
Victories: 44.19%
Detailed Tanks Stats
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
KV-1V331 2159,68 61,03%
IS-3VIII254 2275,63 55,12%
T-150VI223 1811,13 56,50%
T29VII187 1859,05 48,13%
T32VIII179 2184,35 49,16%
T-10IX129 2111,13 44,19%
ISVII126 2370,07 48,41%
T1 HeavyV100 1574,94 63,00%
M6VI65 1028,12 47,69%
M103IX52 1068,40 38,46%
T34VIII15 762,24 46,67%
IS-4X14 912,08 50,00%
KV-2VI5 747,29 80,00%
KV-3VII1 2588,45 100,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
PershingVIII221 2006,17 53,39%
M4A2E4V128 807,53 49,22%
T20VII109 1809,38 59,63%
T-28IV83 636,71 50,60%
M4A3E8VI81 1138,97 46,91%
M3 LeeIV66 933,92 57,58%
Pz. IV HV33 1743,42 69,70%
M2 MediumIII23 392,92 56,52%
T2 MediumII2 1107,94 50,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
VK 28.01VI218 1353,28 56,42%
MT-25VI198 1569,80 52,53%
M5 StuartIV172 917,24 48,84%
M7V116 1196,47 56,90%
ChaffeeV95 2510,56 54,74%
LeopardV89 704,56 43,82%
T-50V86 1542,86 63,95%
T-46III30 551,20 56,67%
Pz. 38 nAIV29 465,33 37,93%
M3 StuartIII25 481,88 44,00%
CovenanterV7 932,43 100,00%
Pz. 38 (t)III7 1419,70 71,43%
T-26II5 676,54 20,00%
Pz. II DII4 33,07 25,00%
LTPIII3 119,46 33,33%
T7 CarII3 660,10 66,67%
T-50-2VI3 8,27 0,00%
D1II2 576,05 0,00%
M2 LightII2 1908,20 50,00%
Super ChaffeeVI2 981,65 50,00%
T1I2 193,10 0,00%
TetrarchII1 1766,06 100,00%
MS-1I1 328,06 100,00%
FTI1 966,02 100,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
JacksonVI90 1262,56 54,44%
WolverineV60 862,14 43,33%
T25 ATVII49 926,68 57,14%
T40IV28 1518,90 60,71%
T56 GMCIII11 646,20 63,64%
Pz.Jäg. III6 329,23 50,00%
T3 HMCII4 1126,70 25,00%
Super HellcatVII3 552,10 33,33%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
S-51VII228 2476,23 54,82%
G.W. PantherVII211 2939,67 47,39%
G.W. TigerIX181 2215,37 55,80%
HummelVI169 2418,93 50,89%
GrilleV93 2011,42 56,99%
St.Pz. IIIV56 1214,84 48,21%
BisonIII16 589,26 62,50%

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