Performance Summary
Overall WN8


Recent WN8 Change


Recent WN8


Progression to next WN8 rank
Statistics Summary
Total Δ %
Battles 4.158 - -
Victories 2.003 - 48.17%
Draws 55 - 1,32%
Defeats 2.100 - 50.51%
Survived 1.227 - 29.51%
Deaths 2.931 - 70.49%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 2.770 - 0,67
Damage Dealt 1.856.221 - 446,42
Tanks Spotted 2.736 - 0,66
Capture Points 10.568 - 2,54
Dropped Capture Points 1.492 - 0,36
Experience 1.617.969 - 389,12
Total Δ %
Battles 0 - -
Victories 0 - 0,00%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 0 - 0,00%
Survived 0 - 0,00%
Deaths 0 - 0,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 0 - 0,00
Damage Dealt 0 - 0,00
Tanks Spotted 0 - 0,00
Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 0 - 0,00
Total Δ %
Battles 8 - -
Victories 7 - 87,50%
Draws 0 - 0,00%
Defeats 1 - 12,50%
Survived 4 - 50,00%
Deaths 4 - 50,00%
Total Δ Battle Avg.
Frags 1 - 0,13
Damage Dealt 412 - 51,50
Tanks Spotted 1 - 0,13
Capture Points 8 - 1,00
Dropped Capture Points 0 - 0,00
Experience 2.777 - 347,13
WN8 Progression
Win Rate Progression
Battles by Class
Battles by Tier
Mastery Badges
Total Tanks Played 38
Mastery 3  (7,89%)
1st Class 7  (18,42%)
2nd Class 8  (21,05%)
3rd Class 4  (10,53%)
No Mastery 16  (42,11%)
Tanks Stats Summary by Class
Battles WN8 WR
HT 15 510,71 33,33%
MT 116 470,35 49,14%
LT 41 97,01 51,22%
TD 3984 668,37 48,17%
SPG 2 84,96 50,00%
Top Tanks
1. M18 Hellcat
Frags: 877
Battles: 1125
Ø Frags: 0.78
Victories: 49.42%
2. Panzerjäger I
Frags: 332
Battles: 272
Ø Frags: 1.22
Victories: 51.84%
3. T67
Frags: 382
Battles: 472
Ø Frags: 0.81
Victories: 52.75%
4. Marder II
Frags: 239
Battles: 271
Ø Frags: 0.88
Victories: 47.60%
5. T25/2
Frags: 236
Battles: 493
Ø Frags: 0.48
Victories: 44.22%
6. StuG III Ausf. G
Frags: 115
Battles: 223
Ø Frags: 0.52
Victories: 53.81%
Detailed Tanks Stats
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Churchill IIIV14 500,18 35,71%
TOG II*VI1 550,27 0,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
Strv m/42-57VI67 434,26 41,79%
Pz. T 25V39 570,71 58,97%
T-29III5 438,85 80,00%
LagoIV5 7,26 40,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
MS-1I11 261,00 72,73%
L.Tr.I7 16,56 42,86%
BT-7 art.III4 111,57 50,00%
Cruiser IVIV3 0,00 33,33%
LT vz. 35II3 0,00 0,00%
Strv fm/21I3 294,23 66,67%
Cruiser IIIIII3 83,89 33,33%
Strv m/40LIII2 214,07 50,00%
T7 CarII1 261,00 100,00%
T1E6II1 34,35 0,00%
FTI1 261,00 100,00%
Strv m/38II1 0,00 0,00%
K-housenkaI1 261,00 100,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
HellcatVI1125 971,73 49,42%
T25/2VII493 616,01 44,22%
T67V472 910,59 52,75%
Skorpion GVIII300 417,73 43,33%
Pz.Jäg. III272 753,30 51,84%
Marder IIIII271 582,22 47,60%
StuG III GV223 564,14 53,81%
Jg.Pz. IVVI212 408,32 49,06%
HetzerIV163 264,08 50,31%
JPantherVII154 445,62 42,86%
T28 Prot.VIII126 333,90 40,48%
M8A1IV69 572,28 37,68%
T56 GMCIII44 378,80 43,18%
Super HellcatVII22 60,48 36,36%
Dicker MaxVI19 180,99 36,84%
T3 HMCII12 394,01 66,67%
T28VIII6 344,55 66,67%
FerdinandVIII1 261,00 100,00%
Tank T Battles WN8 WR
BisonIII2 84,96 50,00%

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